Babysitting Service: Subsidies on Professional Child-care

You may not be aware that you may actually have access to discount coupons on Chez Vous babysitting service through your or your partner's company. Most major companies in Japan are a member of the All-Japan Babysitter Association (全国ベビーシッター協会). This entitles employees of such companies to access JPY 1,700 per day discount - part subsidized by the Japanese government, part subsidized by the company. The great thing is that these coupons may be used in conjunction with other babysitting discount coupons through welfare benefit programmes, outsourced by many companies - examples include Relo Club, Benefit Station, Welbox and JTB Benefit. By using these coupons, many families can actually use Chez Vous babysitting service for a similar cost, if not lower, to hiring a babysitter privately. Speak with your HR department to find out more about the child-care support they can offer you.

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